DETOX! Why the Hype?

The word has been swirling around for years, but what does it mean, how do you do it and why would anyone want to?

What does it mean?
If you detox, or if something detoxes your body, you do something to remove poisonous or harmful substances from your body. ( We need detoxification from the air we breath, the food we eat and the things we are around. One usually seeks out a ‘detox’ when they feel they are suffering from something that is unexplained by Doctors, not treated with meds, or are just interested in another way to make their body healthy.

How do you do it?
Usually it’s a diet plan to reduce the intake of toxins in the body, or to rid your body of toxins which you take in from pollution and foods. With this intake routine, you eat only natural foods like fruits or vegetables, along with specific supplements, cell rebuilders, detoxifiers, and sometimes some exercise. Detoxing should be done while you are being monitored by a health care provider. You should normally not have to detox more than once per year.

Toxins effect EVERYTHING in your body, especially your specific weak points. In our office we have seen a myriad of symptoms dissipate and sometimes disappear with our detoxes. We’ve seen our detoxes help: headaches, migraines, back pain, bloating, fatigue, chronic constipation or diarrhea, low immune system, acne, rashes, high cholesterol, hair loss, weight management problems and much more!

Note of Caution:
As detoxes do not provide all the nutrients to the body it should not be continued for long, like more than 10 days. Also, it is not safe for pregnant women, some children and some diabetics. This is why Dr. Bench personally monitors you before, during and after a detox. He does a lot of research on your specific health and lifestyle before he creates a detox for you. Evolution Chiropractic does specific seminars tailored directly to detoxes. (Next seminar is Thursday, December 16th @ 6:30 at our office.)

In conclusion:
Everyone at one point or another is toxic- beit from an addiction (alcohol, cigarettes, food, etc.) work environments, or stress. The truth is that EVERYONE could benefit from some form of a detox. At Evolution Chiropractic, Dr. Bench has done some intensive training, research and studying of detoxes. He feels that some issues in the spine either evolved from a toxicity issue, or has created toxicities. This creates a scenario where the body lacks a way to deal with toxins appropriately. With the right adjustments, (organ and bone) and detox, most have found relief of all their symptoms. Our detox questionnaire, on our website, under ‘downloadable forms’ is a good start to help you to know if you would benefit from a detox. Feel free to fill one out, and have a FREE consult with Dr. Bench, or attend one of our Detox Seminars.