
Be Active Without Injury

Active and Injury Free Dr. Bench and Dr. Van Sickle give us tips to avoid strains or injury as the warm weather invites us to be more active.

Chiropractic: for so much more than pain!

Chiropractic care is necessary. It is a necessary part of a healthy, fuller life. Chiropractic is not just for pain. Pain is a byproduct of something wrong in the body. Pain relief doesn't mean the pain is "fixed." You can bandage and cover up pain with pain killers, surgery etc., but to have true relief, [...]

Patient Appreciation Day!!

EVERYBODY (not just patients) is invited to our party Saturday, July 11th  2015 from 11am-2pm at our office: 1410 E. 17th St. Idaho Falls, ID 83404!!! We will have lunch for you, face painting, cotton candy, music, and an opportunity to DUNK the DOC in the dunk tank!  Stop by anytime during 11a-2p and say [...]

Our Office is Moving

Our Office is Moving Click on the link below to learn more! Starting July 7, 2014! Moving Event Free for all!!

Health Insurance is You

Health Insurance is You! Health Insurance on your mind? While Evolution Chiropractic can't help you find health insurance we can equip you with your own health insurance - health, the natural way. We will be posting tips and suggestions on how YOU can take control of your own health instead of relying on others. Our [...]

Essential Oils

Essential Oils! We are so excited to start offering essential oils in our office!! We will have a limited inventory on hand -- BUT we have small samples of oils for sale for only $5 so you can try before you buy! Ask us how we can help alleviate symptoms right away by using essential oils!

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